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Public Works Permits

Public Works administers Encroachment Permits, Overload Transportation Permits, and Street Closure Permits

Public Works administers Encroachment Permits, Overload Transportation Permits, and Street Closure Permits


Encroachment Permit

An encroachment permit is necessary when anyone (including utility companies, residents and contractors) works in the city right-of-way, city-owned land, and/or within a city easement. 

A few examples include:

  • Installing under-sidewalk drains
  • Crossing a sidewalk or landscaped area to a construction area
  • Installing new utility/drain in the right-of-way
  • Parking a dumpster in the street 

Please review the Encroachment Permit Requirements List for the updated fee schedule

Post Fireworks

Residential Street Closure Permit

The Rocklin Municipal Code (RMC 12.24) regulates the closing of any street within the City of Rocklin for the purpose of holding a celebration such as a block party, therefore a temporary Residential Street Closure Permit is required and must be filed 20-days prior to the temporary closure. 

Public Services

Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30am - 4:00pm

4081 Alvis Ct.
Rocklin, CA 95677
(916) 625-5500