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View the latest Rocklin news. 


Rocklin Declared Purple Heart City

During last week’s City Council Meeting, Rocklin was declared an official Purple Heart City.

Mayor Greg Janda delivered an official proclamation last Tuesday evening, which was then presented to the local chapter of the Military Order of the Purple Heart.

Rocklin Assistant City Manager Sherri Conway

Assistant City Manager Sherri Conway announces upcoming retirement

Assistant City Manager, Sherri Conway has announced her upcoming retirement. Sherri was hired as Assistant City Manager for the City of Rocklin in October 2021.

Conway came to Rocklin with over 30 years of experience serving municipalities in New York state and Placer County.

As Assistant City Manager, Conway has supported the City Manager and various functions within the Office of the City Manager, including creation and implementation of the City’s Economic Development Strategy, serving as the City’s business ombudsmen, leading the newly established Arts Commission, and spearheading the initiation of the City’s Zone Rocklin project. Additionally, Sherri has led the City’s efforts on various development projects including the Oak & Pine Affordable Housing project and facilitation of commercial development on the “Big Gun” property.

“It has been an honor to serve City of Rocklin as your Assistant City Manager,” Conway said. “City Manager Aly Zimmermann welcomed me in as part of the executive team and has fully supported the efforts to be a champion for our amazing community. As a member of Team Rocklin, we have worked hard to ensure that Rocklin has a diverse and thriving economy to support the high quality of life our residents deserve. Having the opportunity to serve our business community and build upon those relationships has been extremely rewarding on many levels. I have no doubt that Team Rocklin will continue that mission. And, while I will miss working with such a dynamic and welcoming team, I’m excited to move into the next chapter in my life.”

“Sherri’s passion for economic development and community engagement has been instrumental in her time with Rocklin. Her wealth of knowledge has been vital to the success of various projects during her time with us,” City Manager Aly Zimmermann said. “We have been fortunate to have Sherri as part of Team Rocklin and will miss her energy in the City Manager’s Office.”

Prior to her tenure with the City of Rocklin, Conway served as Director of the Placer County Office of Economic Development. During her time with the County, Conway oversaw business retention, expansion and attraction efforts, led workforce and job development programs, was responsible for the Placer County Visitor’s Bureau, and more. She has also served as the economic development and planning director for the City of Colfax, as well as the community development director for the City of Lake Placid, New York. In 2018, Conway launched the Placer Business Resource Center (BRC), a countywide one-stop facility to serve the business community. To date, programs through the BRC have helped create hundreds of new businesses in Placer County. In early 2021, also under Conway’s direction, the first countywide business retention and expansion program was launched, leveraging the full support of all six Placer cities/town and the local chambers of commerce.

Conway plans to retire in December 2024. The City’s Human Resources Division will conduct a recruitment to permanently fill the position, which is anticipated to be concluded before the end of the year.


August 27 Rocklin City Council Recap

Staff Details Plans For Remaining ARPA Funds

Rocklin City Staff presented Council with an outline on planned expenditures for the remaining American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds allotted to the City.


August 13 Rocklin City Council Recap

Samantha Springer Beautifies Rocklin Library 

At Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Rocklin Councilmembers received a presentation from Samantha Springer, Eagle Scout Candidate from Rocklin’s Troop 219, regarding her recently completed Eagle project. Samantha’s passion for reading began at a young age, leading her towards wanting to complete a project that incorporated books.


Rocklin Dog Leash Policy

On top is a picture of three cute dogs on a leash in front of a green background. On the lower right is a circle shape with one white dog holding a leash in their mouth. Text on white on the left reads: "LEASH YOUR DOG IN ALL PUBLIC AREAS. Stay safe, be considerate, and protect wildlife. Off-leash fun is only allowed at the RUFF Dog park at Johnson-Springview Park (5480 5th St)."

Leashing dogs reduces the risk for incidents with other dogs and humans, and ensures our Rocklin parks are a safe and enjoyable place for all!

With the increase of community reports of off- leash dogs at Rocklin parks, the City of Rocklin reminds the public to leash dogs at all times when visiting city parks, with the exception of the RRUFF dog park at Johnson-Springview Park.


Managed Grazing Progressing In Rocklin

Each year, thousands of goats and sheep work their way across the City, clearing thatch and invasive species to reduce the threat of fire during the peak dry season. Often referred to as “managed grazing,” the use of grazing animals is a green approach to vegetation control instead of manual, mechanical, or chemical methods.


Candidate Filing Now Open For 2024 Rocklin Municipal Election

The next General Municipal Election for the City of Rocklin will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 to fill three seats on the Rocklin City Council for four-year terms. Candidate filing for these open seats is open now through August 9, 2024 by 5 p.m.

Candidates must be 18 years of age, a citizen of the United States, and a registered voter residing within the City limits at the time the Nomination Paper is issued.


2024 Wall of Recognition Nominations Now Open

The nomination period for this year’s Wall of Recognition honorees is open now through August 2, 2024. Each year, the City opens the nomination period for new honorees to be added to the Wall of Recognition, originally dedicated in 2018 for the City’s 125th anniversary of incorporation. Nominations for the wall can include persons, families, business entities, and community groups who have made significant contributions to the betterment of our community.


2024 July Extreme Heat Event

We are seeing record-high temperatures for the year this week in Rocklin this week.

Protect yourself and those you love by preparing for extended days of excessive heat. Heat-related deaths rank among the highest of all weather-related hazards. Sensitive groups are especially vulnerable: elderly, children, sick people, and animals.

Plan your outdoor activities accordingly. Try to schedule activities in the morning or evening when temperatures will be cooler, and with less exposure to direct sunlight.


Extreme Heat Safety 2024

Heat Advisory Infographic (Drink water, Plan the Day, Keep Cool, Clothing, Help others, watch for heat illness)

We are seeing record-high temperatures for the year this week in Rocklin, and it will only keep getting hotter as the summer progresses!

Protect yourself and those you love by preparing for extended days of excessive heat. Heat-related deaths rank among the highest of all weather-related hazards. Sensitive groups are especially vulnerable: elderly, children, sick people, and animals.

  • Plan your outdoor activities accordingly. Try to schedule activities in the morning or evening when temperatures will be cooler, and with less exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing when possible and drink plenty of water

Rocklin Library (4890 Granite Drive)

  • Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 
  • Friday - Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Rocklin Parks & Recreation Office (5460 5th Street)

The Parks & Recreation Lobby is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Keep Cool at Splash Pads and Recreational Swim

Splash Pads

The 3 splash pads in Rocklin are located at Whitney Park, Kathy Lund Park, and Johnson-Springview Park. All 3 operate daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. starting now through October 15th.

Recreational Swim

LOCATION: Rocklin High School, 5301 Victory Lane, Rocklin, CA 95765
DAYS: Monday through Friday, June 10 through August 2. Closed on Thursday, July 4th 
TIMES: 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
COST: $5 per person/day  |  Season Pass $40 per person or $100 for 4-pack
Credit card and cash accepted (exact change only, we cannot provide change)
Children under 2 are free with a paid adult.

Find more heat safety tips at the National Weather Service site here -


June 25 Rocklin City Council Recap

Swearing In of Newly Appointed Rocklin Boards, Commissions, and Committee Members

On May 29, 2024, the City Council conducted interviews with qualified applicants to fill vacancies on the City’s Board of Appeals, Community Recognition Commission, and Parks & Recreation Commission. The City Council also reviewed requests for reappointment of scheduled vacancies on the Board of Appeals, Community Recognition Commission, Investment Advisory Committee, Parks & Recreation Commission, and the Planning Commission. 


Firework Safety 2024
Only "Safe & Sane" Fireworks Permitted In Rocklin

As we approach Independence Day, it is important for residents to stay informed of enforced regulations concerning the purchase and igniting of fireworks within city limits. 

The City of Rocklin has adopted a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding Illegal Fireworks.  Only “Safe & Sane” fireworks are legal in California and may be sold within the city limits by non-profit organizations that meet specific criteria.


Road Closure on Park Drive
June 18 - 20 and June 24 - 27

The City’s Engineering Division has a paving contractor performing pavement rehabilitation on Park Drive between Stanford Ranch and Bay Street on June 18 – 20 and June 24 – 27.

This construction activity will result in Park Drive having a FULL ROAD closure. Details are as follows:

Dates of Work:

  • Tuesday, June 18 through Thursday, June 20
  • Monday, June 24 through Thursday, June 27

Hours of Work: 9 PM to 5 AM 


June 11 Rocklin City Council Recap

Placer Mosquito & Vector Control District Annual Update

Meagan Luevano, Public Information Officer with the Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District, presented City Council with an annual update on initiatives, projects and information on mosquito activity in the area.

This organization aims to effectively manage the risks from vectors and vector-borne disease in Placer County to protect public health.


Fitch Upgrades City of Rocklin’s Bond Rating to ‘AAA’

The City of Rocklin is pleased to announce that the bond rating agency, Fitch, has improved Rocklin’s rating from ‘AA+’ to ‘AAA’. Fitch is an independent bond rating agency that evaluates our budgets, financial statements, operating performance, debt profile, economic drivers, and long-term liabilities to rate our debt and ability to repay investors.


May 28 Rocklin City Council Recap

Leadership Rocklin 2023-24 Graduates Honored

City Council received a special presentation regarding the graduating class of Leadership Rocklin 2023-24.

Leadership Rocklin is a program run by the Rocklin Area Chamber of Commerce that aims to develop leadership skills, community knowledge, and relationships. The program also encourages participants to give back to the community. 


May 14 Rocklin City Council Recap

Proclamation Recognizing National Police Week

Mayor Janda Presented Rocklin Police Chief Rustin Banks with a proclamation recognizing May 12-18 as National Police Week and May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day.


Five Star – Mission Hills Paving Project

The Five Star – Mission Hills Paving Project is expected to begin work May 2024. McGuire and Hester (The City’s contractor), and the City of Rocklin will do everything possible to minimize inconveniences during this construction activity.  

Rocklin residents within the impacted area will be receiving door hangers with information regarding the pavement rehabilitation project.


Rocklin Ranked One Of The Safest Cities In California

Rocklin has been named the ninth safest city in California by SafeWise, a leading safety firm specializing in home security advice and services.

Last month, SafeWise published its 10th annual Safest Cities report, which is conducted by using FBI crime statistics and population data. SafeWise determined that Rocklin boasts a rate of fewer than 1.1 violent crimes and 13 property crimes per 1,000 residents – figures far below the state and national rates.


April 23 Rocklin City Council Recap
Whitney Ranch Retail Project; Weed Abatement; Ruhkala Awards

Whitney Ranch Retail Project

City of Rocklin Senior Planner Nathan Anderson presented City Council with details regarding the development of a Whitney Ranch Retail Center.

This project is proposing to construct a commercial shopping center consisting of ten buildings, totaling approximately 95,000 square feet. The center will be anchored by an approximately 44,000 square foot Nugget Market, which will be the first large grocery store in the Whitney Ranch area.