Streets and Drains


Streets and Drains

Public Works is committed to maintaining Rocklin's streets and storm drains in order to keep our city safe.

Street Maintenance

In keeping with the high quality of living in Rocklin, Public Works strives to keep every street in good riding condition, drainage, and appearance.

Over time, the stress of weather and traffic creates cracks, potholes, and other weaknesses in the pavement. The City performs an inventory of the entire road network on a rotating basis to determine where maintenance is needed.

Public Works is committed to maintaining Rocklin’s streets and storm drains in order to keep our city safe.

Street Maintenance

In keeping with the high quality of living in Rocklin, Public Works strives to keep every street in good riding condition, drainage, and appearance.

Over time, the stress of weather and traffic creates cracks, potholes, and other weaknesses in the pavement. The City performs an inventory of the entire road network on a rotating basis to determine where maintenance is needed.

Street maintenance utilizes several methods to address these problems depending on the severity of the road condition, including crack sealing, base repair, patching, and resurfacing.

To see current and upcoming street maintenance projects, check out our current projects page.

Sidewalk Maintenance

Sidewalk maintenance is the responsibility of the property owner adjacent to the sidewalk. Sidewalks in front of houses are the responsibility of the homeowner. The City only maintains sidewalks in front of City owned property.

Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Repair Policy

Stormdrain Maintenance

The Public Works Department is responsible for all stormdrain maintenance in the City of Rocklin including:

  • Pipe cleaning and replacement
  • Catch basin cleaning & repair
  • Ditch cleaning & regrading
  • Inlet/outlet stabilization
  • Easement maintenance
  • Detention pond maintenance