Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Our Environmental Services staff implement permit compliance tasks and track stormwater regulations on behalf of the City of Rocklin. We document information on illegal discharge detection and elimination, street and storm drain cleaning, creek maintenance, stormwater and creek protection controls for development projects, business inspections, and public outreach, education and participation.
Stormwater pollution prevention is everyone’s responsibility, make sure that you are doing your part to contribute to Rocklin’s Pollution Solution!
The City of Rocklin’s Stormwater Program’s goals are to:
- Prevent stormwater pollution
- Protect and enhance water quality in creeks and wetlands
- Preserve beneficial uses of local waterways
- Comply with State and Federal regulations
Central Valley Regional Water Quality Board Website
State Water Resources Control Board Municipal Permits
Look for the Stormwater booth at these special events:
Earth Day
Woof Stock
Maker Faire
Hot Chili Cool Cars
To volunteer with the Stormwater program or to learn more information on volunteer opportunities within the city click on the link above!
Pollution Prevention Tips
Rocklin is a proud partner with the Our Water Our World (OWOW)
program which aims to raise awareness of the connection between
pesticide use and water quality. OWOW provides information to
consumers about integrated pest management (IPM) and less toxic
alternatives that are not causing water quality problems.
- Residential Pollution Prevention
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Pool Water Discharge
- Pet Waste Management
- Pressure Washing
- Integrated Pest Management
- Pollution Prevention for Kids
- Construction/Business Tracking
- Erase the Waste
- EPA Sollution to Pollution
- EPA Stormwater for Construction Industry
- MVC Wetlands in Your Neighborhood
- Placer County Stormwater Pollution Prevention for Food Service Industry
Tree Planting Guide
Trees provide cooling shade, reduce air pollution,
provide wildlife habitat, and beautify our community but it is
important to plant a tree that is appropriate for its location.
The following Tree Guide was developed by PG&E for the
City of Rocklin and provides a list of recommended trees for
Creek Water Testing Data
Data is collected at creeks throughout the City to monitor overall water quality and to follow trends over time. The parameters that are tested include pH, Temperature, Conductivity (or Oxidation-Reduction Potential), Turbidity, and Dissolved Oxygen.