Publications & Maps
Development Activity Report
Currently the Planning Division is in the process of updating the Development Activity Report with new projects and updated project status information. When the updated version is published, the effective date will be reflected.
North Rocklin Circulation Element & Traffic Study
The North Rocklin Circulation Element (NRCE) consists of a draft circulation system referred to as the Base Circulation Plan plus the Long Range Planning Options. The NRCE also includes all circulation improvement projects that are currently contained in the Rocklin General Plan.
The North Rocklin Traffic Study poses a variety of transportation planning options for community consideration and evaluates the ability, as well as the desirability, of those options to accommodate traffic demands at build-out of the City.
Open Space Easements, Wetlands & Hillsides
Does your house back up to a wetlands area or dedicated open space? The following Open Space Easements, Wetlands & Hillsides information gives advice and guidelines about wetlands and open space.
Planning for the Future of Rocklin’s Urban Forest
Planning for the Future of Rocklin’s Urban Forest
Prepared for the City of Rocklin Community Development
Department | September 2006
Prepared by Phytosphere Research
Whitney Oaks General Development Plan
Below is the Whitney Oaks General Development Plan and associated documents.
Zoning Map
The following map can be viewed with Adobe Reader, a free viewing program.