ZONE Rocklin
ZONE Rocklin
Zoning Ordinance and Map Update
The purpose of the ZONE Rocklin project is to update Rocklin’s Zoning Ordinance to produce a comprehensive, state-of-the-art, flexible, and user-friendly Code, consistent with the recommendations of the Community Development Department Organizational Assessment completed in 2023. The update of the City’s Zoning Ordinance is consistent with the five pillars of the 2023-2025 Rocklin Strategic Plan, and help realize Rocklin’s vision as a safe, vibrant, and livable community with a robust local economy.
This webpage serves as your one-stop shop for information about the project. We invite you to take a look around, share your thoughts, and check back often for updates on the process and to review draft documents.
Project Goals
The goal of the updated Zoning Ordinance is to create a document that achieves the following:
- Streamlined and transparent in its administration and decision-making processes
- Promotes economic development and high-quality design
- Provides flexibility
- Is intuitive, contains graphics, and user-friendly
- Is consistent with State and federal law
General Objectives
The updated Zoning Ordinance is intended to:
- Provide for a logically organized ordinance with a user-friendly index and with provisions that are easily understood by all users (e.g. simplify legalistic language)
- Protect residential communities from incompatible developments
- Reflect contemporary best practices
- Update allowable uses to reflect current business practices
- Streamline approval process for minor permits and approvals
- Explore the option of reducing and/or eliminating planned development zones, architectural districts, overlay zones, and special requirements
Latest News
City Council and Planning Commission Workshop (February 4, 2025)
A joint City Council and Planning Commission workshop will take place on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. to review and discuss the recommendations.
Zoning Recommendations Memo
Our consultant has prepared the Zone Rocklin Zoning Recommendations Memo (2025) that summarizes the principal findings and conclusions of the consultant team’s work and recommends a number of ways the current ordinance could be improved to meet the overall objectives of the update.
Planning Commission Meeting (October 1, 2024)
The City of Rocklin is embarking on a comprehensive update of its Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map! Staff and the consultant team provided a project introduction at the October 1, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting.
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Why Update the Zoning Ordinance and Map?
The current Zoning Ordinance, Title 17 in the Rocklin Municipal Code (RMC), has not been comprehensively updated in over three decades. Outdated regulations can be difficult to use and can hinder community objectives and economic development.
The City of Rocklin recently conducted an operational and organizational assessment of land use processes in the Community Development Department, including an evaluation of code and ordinance efficacy. Ultimately, it was recommended that the Planning Division rewrite the Zoning Ordinance with an eye to simplifying it and reducing the need for interpretations. The Zoning Ordinance and Map Update project is the implementation of that recommendation.
What is a Zoning Ordinance and Map?
While the General Plan sets forth a wide-ranging and long-term vision for the City, the Zoning Ordinance, together with the Zoning Map, specify how each individual property can be used to achieve those objectives. Zoning is the body of rules and regulations that control what is built on the ground, and what uses occupy buildings and sites. Zoning determines the form and character of development, such as the size and height of buildings, and also includes provisions to ensure that new development and uses will fit into existing neighborhoods by establishing the rules for being a “good neighbor.”
A Zoning Ordinance and Map typically does the following:
- Divide a city into various zones;
- List permitted uses within those zones;
- Provide for conditional and accessory uses;
- Establish development standards such as building heights, setbacks, lot coverage, parking, signage, and landscaping; and
- Provide for administrative procedures for variances, conditional use permits, architectural review and zone changes or text amendments.
What is the Process and How Long Will It Take?
The project will move from research and evaluation of City policies, regulations, and development to the development of an overall framework for the new Zoning Ordinance. New and updated regulations will be drafted for review and consideration and revised, based on input received. The community is encouraged to participate throughout the process which we anticipate will take about 18 months.
Who Can Participate?
All residents, business owners, and other stakeholders within Rocklin are encouraged to take part in this project and shape the future of the community.
How Can I Get Involved?
We are soliciting community participation in all phases of the project. There are many ways to get involved! See below for participation information.
Project Documents
Documents developed for the project will be located here as they become available.
Existing City Documents
Meetings and Workshops
Upcoming Meetings
Joint City Council and Planning Commission Workshop, Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers (2nd Floor of City Hall 3970 Rocklin Road)
Meetings to Date
- Project Introduction, August 27, 2024 City Council Meeting
- Project Introduction, October 1, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting
Submit Comments
We would like to hear from you! Please email us your comments and contact information to
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Contact Us
City staff are available to answer questions or to provide additional information on the Zoning Ordinance and Map Update project. Email