August 25 Council Meeting Recap
Restaurant Assistance Program, Energy Service Options, Bryce Jessup Day


Council Approves Funding for Restaurant Assistance Program

A photo of Rocklin outdoor dining with the campaign logo in front, reading "Come In Rocklin, We're Open: Restaurant Assistance Program" Restaurants in the City of Rocklin will soon be able to apply for grant funding to help offset the cost of unanticipated operating expenses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Rocklin City Council approved the use of up to $200,000 of City federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) funds to support local restaurants and cover costs including, but not limited to, customer delivery services, special advertising and promotions, and the purchase of equipment or supplies (disposable menus, masks, gloves, outdoor seating, etc).

The Rocklin Area Chamber of Commerce will administer the restaurant assistance program but all Rocklin restaurants that meet the program criteria are eligible to receive funding – Chamber membership is not a requirement.

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Energy Options Report Recommends Working with Current Providers

The City of Rocklin logo: A graphic image of Rocklin rocks, with the words "Rocklin, California" below in stylized letters Residents of the City of Rocklin have long been concerned with rising energy costs and the overall service provided by PG&E. In fall of 2019, conditions worsened, as public safety power shutoffs began to threaten the livelihood of residents and business owners.

In response to concerns, the City of Rocklin began exploring alternatives to PG&E electric service and entered into a contract with Michael Bell Management Consulting, Inc. (MBMC) to identify potential options.

MBMC reported to the City in late July, recommending greater dialog and partnership with PG&E and Pioneer Energy to increase the reliability of local service, control costs, and limit the effect of power shutoffs.

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Quarry Park Amphitheater CARES Act Support

ST Productions logo: Two large letters "S" and "T" with the word "productions" across the top COVID-19 caused the cancelation of the Quarry Park Amphitheater 2020 concert season and created a significant financial strain on ST Productions, the company hired to book the shows. Pre-concert expenses such as radio marketing, digital marketing, social media management, website design, operations plans, and graphic design were all made depending on revenues from cancelled events.

The City committed to using up to $100,000 in CARES Act funding to help pay for these expenses, in addition to future expenses that ST Productions might incur necessitated by COVID-19, such as a re-opening marketing campaign, social media management, and the purchasing of safety equipment required by health mandates.

August 29 Declared Bryce Jessup Day

A photo of President Emeritus of William Jessup University, Bryce Jessup, with the words "In Memoriam (1935-2020)" The Rocklin City Council is honoring the memory and life of Dr. Bryce Jessup, President Emeritus of William Jessup University, by proclaiming Saturday, August 29, 2020 as Bryce Jessup Day in Rocklin.

Jessup passed away in late July during a fishing and hiking trip in the High Sierras with family. The university has planned a livestreamed memorial celebration for Saturday, August 29, with COVID-19 precautions. Attendees are asked to RSVP in advance here.

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