Placer County Monthly COVID-19 Update
May 7, 2021


The latest monthly COVID-19 report from Placer County Public Health explores case rates and variants in Placer County, in addition to discussing the county’s vaccination progress. 

Learn more.

  • Preventing Infection Personal precautions go a long way to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
  • Remember: The safest gathering is a virtual gathering. The next safest gathering is a small, outdoor, distanced gathering with everybody wearing masks; washing/sanitizing their hands; and not sharing food, utensils or other items.
  • Anyone who is feeling ill should stay home.
  • Vulnerable (high-risk) individuals are encouraged to stay at home. This includes those over age 65 or with serious medical conditions.
  • Wear a face covering in public. Read some Face Covering FAQs here.
  • When in public, maximize physical distance from others (at least 6 feet).
  • Maintain good hygiene practices by washing hands, using hand sanitizer, disinfecting frequently touched surfaces and covering coughs and sneezes.
  • Find Guidance for Confirmed Cases (English) (Spanish) and Guidance for Contacts (English) (Spanish).