Why shop and dine local?
- Sales Tax is a major city revenue
- When purchases are made locally and sales tax applied, the
City receives 1%
- Purchases made outside the City produce no revenues to the
Where does the current 7.25% total sales tax go?
- Sales Tax of 6% goes to the State of California
- Sales tax of 1% goes to the Locality where the sale is made
- Sales tax of .25 goes to Placer County Transportation
What percent of the City’s general fund revenues come from sales
- 33% (based upon FY 2022-2023 budgeted revenues).
How is the sales tax revenue spent within the City?
- Sales tax revenues is a major source of funding for key
general fund supported services including public safety services
(e.g., Police and Fire), park maintenance and recreation programs
and services.
Did you know?
- For each purchase of a new or pre-owned vehicle or motorcycle
from a local dealer averaging $35,000, $2,537.50 is the total
sales revenue, and the City gets $350 of that revenue
- A family of four that eats at a local Rocklin restaurant, 24
times a year (twice per month), and spending $40 each meal,
produces $69.60 in total sales taxes, and the City gets $9.60 of
that revenue
- For each purchase of a new or pre-owned boat or recreational
vehicle averaging $75,000, $5,437.50 is the total sales tax
revenue, and the City gets $750 of that revenue
- For people spending $5,000 per year on home improvement
supplies or furniture at businesses within Rocklin, $362.50 is
produced in sales tax, and the City gets $50 of that revenue