Tips for Fall Leaf Cleanup
The fall season is here and trees and shrubs have begun to shed leaves into yards and streets.
The City of Rocklin, in partnership with Recology, would like remind residents to please collect their leaves, grass, twigs, etc., and deposit them in their green waste containers. This ensures the material is recycled (composted) and helps keep city gutters, streets, and storm drains free of debris. Blowing or raking leaves into the street can clog storm drains, flood intersections and make streets slippery. The street sweeper is also required to take collected material directly to the landfill.
If you need an additional container for green waste, please contact Recology at (530) 885-3735 which can provide an additional can for free.
Let’s work together to keep our streets and drainage system clean and the City of Rocklin thanks residents for their efforts to compost/recycle.