Boards and Commissions


Boards and Commissions

The City Council has established Boards and Commissions to review City programs, projects, and community issues. These Boards and Commissions provide greater community participation and input into local government and facilitate informed decisions by the City Council.

Parks and Recreation Commission Vacancy  (One Seat)

The City Council has established Boards and Commissions to review City programs, projects, and community issues. These Boards and Commissions provide greater community participation and input into local government and facilitate informed decisions by the City Council.

Parks and Recreation Commission Vacancy  (One Seat)

Board and Commission meetings are held in the City Council Chambers located on the second floor of Rocklin City Hall, unless another location has been designated.

These meetings are open to the public. Citizens are encouraged to attend city meetings, express their views, and participate in forming and enhancing the Rocklin community.

Brown Act – Government Code Section 54950, et seq., known as the “Brown Act”, contains open meeting laws for local boards and commissions. The California Attorney General’s Office publishes a summary for the Brown Act.

Local Appointments List - Pursuant to Government Code Sections 54970-54974 (otherwise known as the Maddy Act), the list of all board, commission and committee terms expiring in 2024 can be accessed here: Local Appointments List.  


Arts Commission

The Arts Commission was established in 2023 to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council in the implementation of the Public Arts Master Plan. The commission is charged with performing the following specific functions:

  • Review, recommend updates, and implement elements of the Public Art Master Plan adopted by the city council;
  • Advise the city council on all matters affecting arts and culture of the city;
  • Encourage programs in the arts to promote the cultural enrichment of the community;
  • Establish an effective liaison between the city, county, and local cultural and artistic groups.

Board of Appeals

The Board of Appeals consists of five members appointed to alternating four-year terms. The Board hears issues involving interpretation of the City’s building and fire codes. To file an appeal, please contact the Rocklin Building Division at (916) 625-5120.


Community Recognition Commission

The Community Recognition Commission consists of five members appointed to alternating four year terms. Two of the founding members of the Commission shall be appointed to a two-year term so as to stagger the terms of the members. The Community Recognition Commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in matters pertaining to community recognition.

The Community Recognition Commission meets quarterly in February, May, August and November on the third Wednesday of each month at 4 p.m.


Parks and Recreation Commission

The Parks and Recreation Commission consists of five commissioners appointed to alternating four-year terms and one youth non-voting commissioner who serves a one-year term. The Parks and Recreation Commission is responsible for the promotion and preservation of community recreation, open space, park lands, public art, and cultural initiatives. 


Planning Commission

The Planning Commission consists of five members appointed to alternating terms by the City Council. Responsibilities of the Planning Commission range from approval of residential neighborhoods, commercial shopping centers, and industrial parks to recommending policies to the City Council regarding long range planning, zoning criteria changes, and land development related topics.


Investment Advisory Committee

The Investment Advisory Committee consists of three members (and one alternate) appointed to alternating three year terms. All three of the founding members of the Committee shall be appointed to a one-year, two-year, and three-year overlapping terms so as to stagger the terms of the members. The Investment Advisory Committee shall provide oversight and make recommendations to the City Treasurer with respect to investment activities and Legislative Policy No. 1.