Lend a Hand. Make a Difference.
About the Trail Keepers Program


Volunteers assist in keeping Rocklin’s parks and trails well-preserved for our whole community to enjoy!

Become a Trail Keeper Today!  

Returning Volunteers Track hours HERE! 

The tasks assigned to Park & Trail Keeper volunteers would be limited to:

  • Pick up trash and deposit in available garbage cans
  • Identify hazards (trail wash outs, fallen trees, illegal camping, etc.) and   report using the Access Rocklin app modified to include new hazards and issues
  • Identify & report obvious maintenance items (broken sprinklers, signage issues etc.)
  • Participate in the above activities at larger events (e.g. Quarry Park events and more)


Given that the city has many neighborhood parks, you as a volunteer may opt to identify a “Home” Park (i.e. nearest neighborhood park or closest larger park) for the activities described above.

You may also choose to support the above activities at a range of parks and/or trails as suits your situation.


  • All “Trail Keepers” will be trained with a focus on safety
  • Work must be done during normal park or trail hours, unless otherwise directed by staff
  • Must wear issued apparel to distinguish themselves from others using the parks or trails
  • Has no authority over others in the parks or on the trails
  • Must follow the directions of city staff in the performance of their tasks
  • Use the city’s “Access Rocklin” App to inform staff of the hazards described above
  • Must log and report the completion of their work.  The log of activities will be gathered at appropriate intervals by city staff and in a manner suitable to track the effectiveness of their efforts and the program overall.
  • Required equipment will be issued to each volunteer with the promise to return if withdrawing from the program.  It shall be limited to:
    • Trash grabber
    • Garbage bags
    • Protective gloves
    • Rocklin “Trail Keeper” T Shirt
      • The use of the “Access Rocklin” App will be from the volunteers personal phone. Paper copies will be available for those without access.

To become a Trail Keeper today, go HERE!