Streaming Audio of Rocklin City Council, Commission Meetings Now Available


Live, streaming audio of Rocklin City Council and other commission meetings is now available on your computer or smartphone!

The Rocklin City Council has made it a priority to remain transparent and encourage citizen participation in public meetings and allowing remote, live access does just that.  

To listen on your computer, simply click the live streaming audio link on the Rocklin meeting page you are interested then follow the instructions to operate the player.

Users can also listen through the Rocklin website on their mobile device, or can download the Mixlr app, which is free and compatible with iOS and Android mobile operating systems. Once installed, open the app, then search for and select CityofRocklin. The audio broadcast will begin playing automatically when the meeting starts.

For audio of past public meetings, see the Mixlr “Showreel” of past meetings or visit the “Agendas and Minutes” page of the governing body you’re interested in.

The City of Rocklin is also investigating options for live video streaming of public meetings, with plans to present findings to City Council later this summer.