Residential Patio Covers

photo of a Patio Cover or awning

Before beginning patio cover construction or installation, there are steps to take to make sure your new patio cover will be in compliance with State and local regulations regarding land and construction.

Step 1: Determine Special Development Conditions

Before determining if a building permit is required for my project, is there any specific information I need to know from the City of Rocklin?

Yes. You should determine if there are any special development conditions for your project. Please contact the Building Division at (916) 625-5120 for general information. In some cases, you may need to contact individual divisions. In addition, you should also determine if there are any CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) or other deed restrictions for your subdivision and/or property. You may want to contact your homeowner’s association for more information. Once you have determined the applicable conditions for your project, you will need to determine if a building permit is required for your project.

Step 2: Determine If Permit Is Required

Do I need to apply for a permit for my patio cover?

A building permit is required for all patio covers that exceed 120 S.F. in roof area and for any size patio cover that is attached to a structure. If a permit is required for your project, you will need to submit site plans and building plans to the Building Division. 

If the proposed structure does not meet the Building and Planning setback requirements, please contact our office at (916) 625-5120.

If I need a permit, what plans and forms do I need to submit to the City of Rocklin for a complete submittal?

The following forms are provided for your convenience. Original signatures are required to obtain a permit. Please do not fax.

When the plans and forms are submitted, will I be required to pay a plan check deposit?

Prior to May 1, 2011 a deposit will not be required. Effective May 1, 2011, a plan check deposit will be required at the time of submittal.

Plan Check Deposit Schedule

Where do I submit my plans and forms?

Building Division
Administration Building, 1st Floor
3970 Rocklin Road
Rocklin, CA 95677

Step 3: Project Review

After I submit my plans, what happens next?

At the time of submittal, the project will be assigned a tracking number (plan check number) that will be used to track the progress of the plans and plan review. The plans will then be distributed by Building staff to the necessary City department for their review and comment.

Upon receipt of the plans, each department will assign a staff member to the project. Each department’s staff member will perform an independent review of your project and forward their comments to the person designated on the Project Contact Information Sheet. The contact person is responsible for addressing each department’s comments and resubmitting revised plans, as needed. This step will continue until each department’s comments have been adequately addressed.

Step 4: Project Approval

After the plans are approved by all required City departments, what is the next step?

Once all reviewing departments approve the project they will notify the Building Division of their approval. At this time final fees due will be calculated and the project paperwork will be prepared for permit issuance. Once the fees are calculated and the project paperwork is ready, the project contact person will be notified.

Step 5: Fees and Permit Issuance

Once I pay the fees, will my permit be issued and can I start my construction at this time?

Yes. Once your plans are approved and all permit fees are paid, the building permit will be issued. After the permit is issued, you may begin construction.

Step 6: Building Inspections

Once my permit is issued and construction begins, should I request inspections from the City of Rocklin Building Division?

 Yes. Inspections that follow the issuance of the permit are provided to ensure that work completed on your project meets current building health and safety codes and standards. To learn how to schedule an inspection, please visit our Residential Building Inspection page.

Step 7: Project Completion

Once my project passes its final inspection, is there anything else I need to do? 

No. After your project passes the final inspection, your project will be considered complete.

Related Forms, Links, and Handouts

Please note: Every project is different and the process may vary slightly. The information provided is for general reference only.