Southeast corner of Pacific Street and Grove Street, 4545 Pacific Street. APNs 045-031-001 through -005, 045-031- 005-510, 045-031-005-520, and 045-031-047


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March 1, 2016 Southeast corner at the intersection of Pacific Street and Grove Street, 4545 Pacific Street.  APNs 045-031-001 through -005, 045-031- 005-510, 045-031-005-520, and 045-031-047. General Plan Amendment, GPA2016-0001, General Development Plan, PDG2016-0001, Rezone, Z2016-0001, Tentative Subdivision Map, SD2016-0003, Tree Preservation Plan Permit, TRE2016-0002 and Design Review, DR2016-0003 Project Information and Exhibits as Submitted