Get a Business License
Use our online Business License System to
- Complete a new application
- Close/update an existing application
- Make payments or changes to an existing application
For information on how to obtain a Massage Business Licenses, please visit
The business license tax varies, depending on the type of business. Follow three steps to determine which category your business falls under, which forms must be completed, and which fees will apply to your business.
SB1186 Compliance
Effective January 1, 2018, as amended, $4 of the amount paid for new and renewal Business Licenses in the City of Rocklin is being collected to comply with this State Mandate. Under federal and state law, compliance with disability access laws is a serious and significant responsibility that applies to all California building owners and tenants with buildings open to the public (SB1186, Section 15, 4469). You may obtain information about your legal obligations and how to comply with disability access laws at the following agencies:
- Division of the State Architect
- Department of Rehabilitation
- California Commission on Disability Access
To access our paper application, follow Steps 1, 2, & 3 below.
For questions regarding the business license process please email or contact us by phone at 916-625-5020.
Step 1
Determine your business category by viewing the Business Category List. IF YOUR BUSINESS TYPE IS NOT LISTED, YOUR BUSINESS CATEGORY WILL BE “OTHER BUSINESSES”.
Step 2
Select whether your business is in a commercial location, a home business, or located outside of Rocklin. Then find the forms and fees that apply to your business type.
Commercial Location in Rocklin / Business Outside of Rocklin
Apartments/Hotels | Combo Commercial Apartments | Business License Fee Schedule |
Flat Fees
Flat Fee Application - Comm | Business License Fee Schedule |
Other Businesses (e.g. retail, consultants, massage, internet, and most home businesses) | Combo Commercial Gross Receipts | Business License Fee Schedule |
Home Business in Rocklin
Flat Fees
Combo Flat Fee Application - Home | Business License Fee Schedule |
Other Businesses (e.g. retail, consultants, massage, internet, and most home businesses) |
Combo Home Gross Receipts (Other Business) | Business License Fee Schedule |
Step 3
Fill out and return the business application forms with the correct payment amount to the City Hall, first floor.
3970 Rocklin Road
Rocklin CA 95677
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