Frequently Asked Questions
What is the allowable administration fee for each program?
There is not a set administration fee. Each firm is expected to submit a proposal that includes their admin fees. For example, if the total program is $100,000 and the firm proposes a 5% admin fee, the proposal should be written so that $100,000 is allocated for programming and $5,000 is allocated for admin, bringing the total requested amount to $105,000. If an interested firm has a program that will exceed the total amount allocated in the RFP, then firms are still encouraged to submit their programs. In the example above, if the total program plus admin was going to cost $130,000, that firm would be encouraged to submit a proposal for the entire amount, as long as they demonstrate a need in the community and the proposed program addresses the need.
Will the City of Rocklin allow collaborative proposals?
Yes, we will accept proposals from firms if there are aspects of the proposed program that will be subcontracted with other vendors. Please include the charges in the final administrative costs.
Does City staff have further guidelines in mind related to grant eligibility (aside from CFR ARPA categories) and/or for determining the allowable amount of grants?
For small business/hotel grants: Rocklin based small businesses that can demonstrate a loss in revenue due to COVID-19
Restaurant grants: Rocklin based restaurants that can either 1) demonstrate a revenue loss due to COVID- 19 or 2) would like to create permanent outdoor dining
Microbusiness program: very small Rocklin based businesses (less than 5 employees) who are in the beginning stages of formation
Nonprofit grants: Nonprofits that serve Rocklin residents with priority given to those that serve youth
Can you elaborate on the City’s goals for this program: Microbusiness capacity building: Programs aimed to help the smallest businesses weather periods of financial insecurity and rebound from financial hardship.
The city would like to see a microbusiness support program that provides the smallest businesses (less than 5 employees) and those in the early stages of creation with resources to make them successful, including coaching, classes in finance/business, and other resources to help them weather periods of financial instability. This would be a series of courses and resources, not a direct grant program like the others.