Apply Now for Openings on Art Task Force Committee
Become a leader in your community! Applications due May 14.


To apply for one of two openings on the Art Task Force, please fill out the online application at the bottom of this page. A PDF of the application is also available for print and completed copies must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office at 3970 Rocklin Road.  All applications are due by 5 p.m. on May 14, 2021. Late submissions and postmarks will not be accepted.*

Thank you for your interest and willingness to serve your community.  Please fill out the information listed below and return this application by the filing date indicated above.

About the Rocklin Art Task Force

  • The Rocklin Art Task Force is an eight member ad hoc committee that advises the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission on public art matters.
  • The City is accepting applications to fill two vacancies that meet either of the following requirements:
    • Community Member
    • Business Person/Business Owner

Art Task Force Duties

  • Review and make recommendations to the Commission for public art proposed as part of a private development project against the criteria established by the Rocklin Public Art Master Plan.
  • Review and make recommendations to the Commission for public art proposed as part of a public (City) funded project against the criteria established by the Rocklin Public Art Master Plan.
  • Recommendations to the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission on public art matters including:
    • Artist qualifications
    • Expenditure of funds collected for the purpose of public art
    • Selection of public art for rental or loan of completed works
    • Acceptance of gifts of art
    • Conservation of public artwork
    • Decommissioning pubic artwork
  • Advocate for public art and assistance and guidance in securing grants or other funding for public art.
  • Assistance with public art related projects such as documentation and creation of a public art inventory, marketing and promotion of public art and developing relationships with area art groups, artists, educational institutions and other organizations that support public art.
  • Art Task Force members are expected to be ambassadors for city art efforts and events to the community at large and attend events and functions as appropriate.
  • The Art Task Force will meet on an “as needed” basis and may include day or evening meetings. Meetings are anticipated to total 1-3 hour(s) a month. Agendas will be sent to members and publicly posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
  • Art Task Force members need not have direct experience in the arts, but interest in and support for public art is highly desirable.
  • A background check for selected candidates will be required.