Sept. 14 City Council Meeting Recap
City Laws Regarding Temporary Noncommercial Signs to be Updated
The Rocklin City Council took the first step in updating the City’s ordinance that addresses rules for temporary noncommercial signs, including political signs, in all areas of Rocklin.
The changes to the standards for temporary noncommercial signs found in Table 1 of RMC Section 17.75.020 and RMC Section 17.75.070 (D) will include:
- Establishing the maximum size of a temporary noncommercial sign as 16 square feet. In some areas, 32 square foot signs were previously allowed.
- Clarifying where temporary noncommercial signs may be located on a property.
- Updating language and formatting to clarify intent and make the regulations more user friendly.
Staff recommendations initially called for the duration of time allowed for sign display to be extended from the current 45 days prior to an event and 5 days after, to a proposed 60 days prior to an event and 10 days after, but that proposed change was removed.
Finally, council called for staff to clarify that the time limitations in the amended ordinance refer only to signs related directly to specific elections or events, and no other forms of expression.
This was the introduction and first reading of the proposed changes to the ordinance. For an ordinance to become law, it must be read twice and will become effective 30 days after the second reading. The second reading in this case will likely be scheduled for the Sept. 28 City Council meeting.
New Appointments to Various Boards and Commissions
Rocklin resident David Bass, a private attorney and former district attorney in Placer County, was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Rocklin Planning Commission, with his term expiring on June 30, 2022. Mr. Bass is also involved with other Rocklin organizations including the local Rotary Club and the Rocklin Police Activities League.
Abigail Wriston was appointed as the youth commissioner on the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission, and will serve a term of one year.
Wiljaya Perera was appointed to the Board of Appeals through June 30, 2024.
The City’s first Investment Advisory Committee was also formed, with the appointment of Robert Cook, Ronald Dolinsek, and Karl (Gregg) Smith, with Jeffery Schnoebelen to serve as an alternate.
Rocklin PD Quarterly Report
The crime rate in the City of Rocklin decreased by 13% from Jan. through August of 2021, when compared to the same period last year. While theft from vehicles has seen a decrease of 18% in that same time period, Rocklin PD is still encouraging residents to be vigilant in removing items form their vehicles, locking vehicles doors when not in use, and parking them inside when possible.
Catalytic converter thefts, which are categorized as larceny – theft from vehicle, continue to be prevalent in Rocklin and region wide.
View the full City Council meeting agenda for Tuesday, Sept. 14.