Rocklin Updates Service Fees to Better Align with Costs


The City of Rocklin performs a variety of services for residents and businesses that ensure a safe and well-built environment but that do not necessarily benefit the entire community. To offset the costs of these services, the City charges fees so the parties benefiting from the services pay for them.

The fees have a wide range of purposes including businesses license fees, building permits charges, special events fees, fire service fees, and much more.

Effective Dec. 1, the City put in place an updated list of 242 fees, with 154 increasing, 43 decreasing and 39 not changing. The net average increase is 21 percent, approximately 3 percent annually since the last fee update in 2011.

“The City’s strives to provide the highest level of service possible to our constituents at straight forward and reasonable costs,” said David Mohlenbrok, Community Development Director. “An in-depth cost recovery study was conducted and adjustments were made based on factors including employee hours expended and costs borne by the City to complete a specific task.”

Most City fee amounts now achieve full cost recovery and by law, fees must be related to, and cannot exceed the cost of, the service provided. Some fees were kept below their full costs, including building fees, which were set at 90 percent of costs to maintain economic momentum and competitiveness with surrounding jurisdictions.

In January 2019, the City will also enact updated Fire Department fees related to permits and inspections that stemmed from the need to better ensure safety standards throughout the city. The Fire fee structure will then more closely resemble those of neighboring cities of similar size. 

A complete list of the fee updates can be found at