Mar. 8 City Council Recap
Water Efficient Landscaping Incentives
Following up on a previous January 11, 2022 City Council meeting, staff presented the City Council with information about various Water-Efficient Landscape rebate programs that are available to Rocklin residents through the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA). PCWA offers several rebates for customers related to water efficiency, and offers three rebates related to water-efficient landscaping: smart irrigation controller replacements, lawn replacements, and irrigation efficiencies.
Maximum rebate amounts are as follows: Smart controller, $250; Lawn Replacement, $1,000 (up to $8,000 for commercial properties); and Irrigation Efficiencies, $500 (up to $2,00 for commercial properties). Customers interested in these rebates can view them on PCWA’s website.
Fire Dept. Community Risk Assessment
The Rocklin Fire Department contracted with Fitch & Associates, LLC to objectively evaluate the fire department’s operations, deployment, and staffing through a comprehensive analysis of current service delivery programs, deployment strategies, and staffing strategies. A detailed analysis was presented to council regarding how Rocklin’s Fire Department is responding to and managing risks within the community, along with recommendations on how to improve fire department operations and outcomes.
The Rocklin Fire Department measured to be an effective and well-managed fire service organization, reflecting a highly motivated group of public employees. Their response time to calls was swift and reflected well compared to average response data collected by F&A.
Some recommendations were presented by Fitch & Associates on how to improve operations and outcomes, listed below:
- Consider classifying motor vehicle accidents as rescue calls as opposed to EMS calls in the records management system.
- Update the departments method of classifying occupancy risk within the community.
- Consider adopting “outcome” measures as the primary evaluation tool for service levels.
Based on customer-focused outcome measurements in Rocklin, there were zero civilian fire deaths, a rescue rate of ten minutes within victim contact, and contained structure fires to rooms of origin in 70% of all incidents.
Council Approves Amendments to Budget from Quarterly Financial Report
Council approved proposed revenue and spending adjustments based on the quarterly financial report for the quarter ending Dec. 31. These adjustments include:
- Based on the American Rescue Plan Act Fund presented at the last City Council meeting, $95,000 of those allocated funds will go towards City Hall upgrades ($45,000), and technology upgrades ($50,000).
- $88,500 will be utilized to cover project expenses from awarding a contract to JT Lewis Inc to replace door openers/controls with programmable automatic close timers and safety curtains at Fire Stations 23, 24, and 25.