Council Meeting Recap: May 26


Urgency Ordinance to Extend Land Use Entitlements

COVID-19 has presented major challenges to all aspects of business, and land development is no exception. On May 26, City Council unanimously approved an ordinance granting a one year time extension for certain land use entitlements.

The extension provides a layer of protection to landowners, developers, and the local economy in general, from additional potential losses by preserving development opportunities.

“I appreciate the staff taking this step and doing it proactively to avoid a lot of chaos for property owners in town,” Councilmember Bill Halldin said from the dais. The other councilmembers agreed.

This extension will protect several projects such as the Tractor Supply and Stanford Ranch Storage project that would have otherwise expired in the next year.  It will also assist all currently entitled projects by providing them additional time to adapt to disruptions caused by the coronavirus and proceed with development.

Portion of Ruhkala Rd. Approved for Conversion to Private Road
A southern portion of Ruhkala Rd, north of Evelyn Ave. and south of Winding Lane, was approved for conversion to a private road.

The road will be maintained at the expense of the homeowner’s association and access for emergency vehicles and public trail use is provided in the agreement.

The road will be renamed Wickman Loop and provide homeowners with access to the community through an electronic vehicle access gate.

Youth Sports Leagues Inquire about Resuming Activity

During public comment on matters not on the agenda, representatives from multiple Rocklin youth sports leagues inquired with Council on the possibility resuming organized sports activities with increased safety precautions.

Coronavirus and the Governor’s stay-at-home order has caused all youth leagues to stop practices and games, with no schedule for resuming play provided.

Council supports the efforts of the leagues to prepare to resume activities safely, but also urged caution and noted that the City is required to adhere to the state’s order, which currently does not allow youth leagues to congregate until Stage Three of the Resilience Roadmap.