Virtual Community Meeting
Sierra Community College Corridor Multimodal Enhancements
Please join the City of Rocklin for the second community meeting concerning the Rocklin Road/Sierra Community College Corridor Multimodal Enhancement Project via Zoom on Thursday, April 28, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Rocklin Road is a prominent east-west arterial roadway including a five-lane undercrossing with a narrow sidewalk, no shoulders, and no bike lanes.
The City is proposing to reconfigure the interchange into a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) and a separate crossing of Interstate 80 to allow for better traffic flow and improved bicycle and pedestrian connections between Sierra Community College and Rocklin’s Downtown.
Register in advance using this link.
At the last community meeting in October 2021, three project alternatives were presented to the group for a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI). Based upon further analysis and feedback from stakeholders and the community, our team has narrowed the proposed project design to two options: Alternatives 1 and 2. Refined alternatives will be discussed and the team will also hopes to address questions and/or comments from the public.
The Rocklin Road/Sierra Community College Corridor Multimodal Enhancement Project will provide long-term operational and circulation improvements within the area of the Rocklin Road/Interstate 80 Interchange. The project objective is to improve existing and future traffic congestion and walking and biking connections between downtown Rocklin and Sierra Community College. Learn more here:
Please call or email with questions at (916) 442-1168 or